Thank you for your interest in the Masonic Motorcycle Club International.
First, we encourage you to join an existing Chapter near you. By joining a Chapter you can connect with Master Masons and their families and enjoy their fellowship. Typically, most chapters schedule a monthly ride. To find a Chapter simply go to the MMCI Chapters section of the website.

Second, if you do not have a Chapter near you, you may join as a Chapter 8 member at large. Simply fill out the Chapter 8 member application. The application requires a copy of your current Lodge Dues Card and $20.00 in membership dues ($30.00 if outside the USA). Click on the link below for the Chapter 8 application form.

Chapter 8 application.

You may also start a new Chapter in your area. Click on the link below for information on starting a new Chapter and simply request a Chapter application.

Forming a new Chapter.

Membership Chairman
Kent Dorney
49 Simson Street
Tonawanda, NY 14150